Corporate Litigation

Corporate Litigation

The unthinkable has happened, your business has been contacted by the government regarding accusations of alleged illegal activities. Perhaps you have made a few bad decisions, perhaps the bad decisions were made by one of the officers or employees at your firm. Perhaps you did nothing at all, but are under investigation because of something that competitors or other businesses along the supply chain did. Regardless of what has happened and what degree the real level of guilt may be; if your business is contacted by the government regarding alleged illegal activities, seek counsel immediately.

Because of their experience, different attorneys may be better at providing specific legal services for their clients. Just as most people would not retain a divorce attorney to secure a patent for their new invention; most people would not use their tax attorney to get out of a speeding ticket. If you or your company is under investigation for alleged corporate crimes, you need to hire a law firm that knows how to face off with the government and protect you and your business interests. You need an experienced corporate litigation law firm staffed by skilled white collar attorneys.

The Blanch Law Firm has represented airlines, international telecommunications firms, as well as health care and financial organizations in government investigations into alleged corporate crimes. The Blanch Law firm has also represented officers at Fortune 500 companies, investment banks, medical supply companies as well as accounting professionals and lawyers at some of the largest international firms in similar investigations. Attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm diligently serve their clients in matters of:

  • Antitrust/Trade Regulation:  Antitrust charges arise when a company is seen to have violated the standards set forth in the Sherman Antitrust Act and any of the acts that followed. Charges are very complicated and require a team of skilled antitrust litigators to answer.
  • Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: Charges of violating The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) arise when businesses are alleged to have bribed members of foreign governments. Investigations into FCPA charges are very complex and hold the threat of serious criminal charges for corporate officers and fines that can be in the hundreds of millions of dollars.
  • Securities Arbitration: securities arbitration evolves out of a variety of different reason including but not limited to fraud, broker misconduct, and contract disagreements. Have and aggressive and skilled securities lawyer is essential to protect your rights and the life of you business.
  • Money Laundering and AML Compliance: Money laundering statutes are the government’s #1 tool to prosecute organized crime. There are times when businesses will find themselves involved in a disturbing and damaging indictment alleging that they have participated in a scheme to launder money. There are precautions and internal controls that businesses can undertake that serve to hedge against the possibility of them being accused of money laundering. AML protocols can help to protect you from incidents where rouge employees try to turn your business into their own personal sink.
  • Trade Secrets Litigation: What qualifies as a trade secret is complicated and may be difficult to determine. However, the damages that can be claimed for misappropriating trade secrets are very severe and if they are not handled by a skilled trade secrets lawyer can result in both fines and jail sentences.
  • Environmental Crimes: The “Green Movement” is a term that is constantly being heard from the mouth of policy makers in this country. The prosecutions of these crimes have been made a top priority for law enforcement in this country. In order to avoid hard fines and civil suits you need to hire a skilled environmental law firm to protect your business.

If your business is involved in an investigation into corporate crimes, you need a skilled law firm of experienced corporate litigation attorneys to protect you and your company. In the past, businesses have been shut down and dissolved because of allegations that they were involved in alleged illegal actions. The choices that you make after you have been contacted by the government can not only save your freedom and livelihood, but the livelihood of your employees and their families. The experienced New Jersey white collar attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm know how to answer government investigations behind closed doors and protect both the public image and the bottom line of your business. Contact The Blanch Law Firm today in order to begin the fight to protect you and your business.

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