Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) Attorneys

One of the most costly and dangerous litigations for corporations to face are those that arise from alleged violations of The 1977 Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). The legislation for the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act was written after an investigation by The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the 1970s revealed that over 400 U.S corporations revealed that they had issued bribes to officials in foreign governments in order to secure contracts. If you or your company is under investigation by The United States Department of Justice, The Department of Commerce or The Department of State for allegedly violating The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, you need a skilled team of FCPA attorneys to protect you and your company. Contact the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm today and begin taking the steps to protect yourself and save your business.

What is the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act?

The anti-bribery provision of The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act states that no person can make use of interstate commerce in a corrupt manner in the furtherance of an offering or payment to any foreign official, political party, or candidate for office, for the purpose of influencing any official act in violation of the duties of that official, or to obtain or retain business. Essentially, what the FCPA means is that officers of a corporation or people acting on their behalf cannot issue a payment to a government official in order to secure a job, or maintain a contract which is already held.

What The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act does not prohibit are payments to officials, in order for them to go about the regular course of their official responsibilities. What that can precisely mean can be very difficult to determine. FCPA litigations are very treacherous waters for corporations to navigate through. The courts have issued very few opinions on the matter and have not provided corporations a clear picture of which actions may be legal and which may not be. The lack of any FCPA compliance guidelines and the incremental increase in FCPA cases pursued by The Office of The United States Attorney General make Foreign Corrupt Practices Act litigation one of the largest threats to corporations today.

Manage FCPA Compliance Risks With the Blanch Law Firm

U.S. companies face many challenges in the global marketplace; The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act makes such challenges even greater. You need a team of experienced FCPA attorneys with the right relationship with the government and regulators in order to protect you and your company from FCPA penalties. The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act lawyers at The Blanch Law Firm know what the government is looking for during their investigation. By conduction a separate internal investigation, the FCPA attorneys at the Blanch Law Firm’s Foreign Corrupt Practices Act litigation team know how to answer government investigations, litigate charges, design compliance programs, take remedial actions and protect the future of your company. If you have been contacted by The Attorney General’s Office or any other branch of the government regarding alleged violations of The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, contact The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm Today and consult with them to assess the risk that you, your corporation or officers at your corporations are exposed to.

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