Trade Secrets Litigation

New Jersey Trade Secrets Litigation

Trade secrets are valuable assets that are held by businesses and can be considered an intellectual property right of such a business or corporation. If one party is accused of depriving another party of their trade secrets whether it is done by misappropriation, espionage, bribery, or any other method, criminal and civil charges alleging trade secret and unfair competition violations can soon follow. If you are under investigation for alleged acts of trade secret violations you need a skilled white collar firm staffed with experienced trade secret lawyers to protect you from any adverse impact that may follow. Contact[i] the trade secrets lawyers at The Blanch Law Firm today and begin protecting your livelihood.

What is a Trade Secret?

The court’s definition of what constitutes a trade secret will vary depending as to which jurisdiction that court resides in. Generally, all definitions as to what constitutes a trade secret will state that a trade secret is something that:

  • Is not publically known.
  • Provides those who know it with some sort of economic benefit which they can derive through use of such knowledge.
  •  Has efforts taken on its behalf to keep it a secret.

From reading the above bullet points, one can see how determining what constitutes a trade secret can be exceedingly difficult to determine. For example, unlocking important details that are involved in the construction of a new engine through reverse engineering is generally considered legal, while producing the same engine from an illegally procured blueprint is not. If you have questions about what could constitute a trade secret, contact the trade secret lawyers at The Blanch Law Firm today and schedule a consultation with attorney Ryan Blanch and the trade secret attorneys there.


The Uniform Trade Secrets Act and The Economic Espionage Act of 1996 underline some of the key rules and guidelines for trade secret litigation in the U.S.  The acts call for both criminal and civil penalties to be applied against defendants who are convicted for trade secret violations. The Economic Espionage Act of 1996 made some trade secret violations a criminal act under federal law and are punishable by prison terms of up to 15 years in jail, criminal asset forfeiture for any assets that are believed to be a proceed of such violations, and a criminal penalty of up to $500,000 to any individual and $10 million to a business or corporation. The civil damages that can be recovered through The Uniform Trade Secrets Act can be twice the amount of any potential loss and/or gain that resulted from the violation as well as any attorney fees.

Aside from the penalties for trade secret violations, if one is indicted for charges of trade secret violations they could also be charged with:


Computer Crimes



Money Laundering

Mail Fraud

Wire Fraud

Securities Fraud

In some cases, the criminal penalties for these charges can be more severe than those that are proscribed in The Uniform Trade Secrets and Economic Espionage Acts. These charges can result in penalties as high as 30 years in jail and fines of up to $1,000,000. Charges such as those listed above need to be answered by experienced white collar attorneys. The attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm are dedicated to their clients and know that their hard work pays rich dividends in the end. Contact The Blanch Law Firm today if you have been accused of trade secret violations or any of the above mentions criminal acts.

The Trade Secrets Litigation Attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm Can Help

Trade secrets cases prosecuted by The U.S. Department of Justice come about quickly and require an immediate response by a skilled white collar firm of experienced trade secret attorneys. The Blanch Law Firm assembles a skilled team of trade secret attorneys to answer allegations of trade secrets aimed at their valued clients. With a history of success in protecting their clients from allegations trade secret violations in both State and Federal Court, the trade secret lawyers at The Blanch Law Firm know that hard work and dedication are the best way to ensure top results for their clients. If you are facing allegations of trade secret violations contact[ii] the trade secret litigation team at The Blanch Law Firm today and begin the fight to protect your business and yourself from harsh criminal and civil penalties.


[i] Contact Page

[ii] Contact Page

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