About Us

Ryan Blanch founded The Blanch Law Firm in 2004 because he wanted to do one thing for New Jersey criminal defendants; he wanted to give them a fighting chance. Since its inception, The Blanch Law Firm has developed a reputation as one of the top firms serving clients with criminal cases in The State of New Jersey and greater New York City area. That reputation was earned by one thing and one thing alone; getting results.

In order to get results for your clients you need two things; you need to be a skilled and talented lawyer, and you need to be dedicated to your clients and fight for them until the end. The attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm are very skilled at criminal law proven by the fact that at any point in time between 90-100% of their caseload are serious criminal cases. Though every case is different and there is no telling how your case will end, our case results show that we have been successful in the past with many of the most serious cases.

In order for your attorney to do their best, they will need to have what most attorneys will claim is their number one resource, time. By taking on a select number of cases each year and by utilizing a team approach to aggressively challenge the evidence of a case, The Blanch Law Firm makes sure they have plenty of time to devote to their clients.

If you are suspected, or charged with a crime you need to take immediate action and consult the attorneys at a The Blanch Law Firm. Even the most hardened career criminals become afraid and uncertain about their future when they are arrested. It is imperative that you do not let that fear control you because it could lead you to make a serious error in judgment. Working with a skilled New Jersey criminal defense attorney is the best way to ensure that your rights are being protected and that you have a fighting chance to beat your charges. The attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm fight for their clients and they are ready to fight for you. Call today to schedule a consultation. Doing so is taking the first step in defending your rights and restoring your freedom.

Premier criminal lawyers & criminal defense attorneys in New Jersey. Risk Free Consultation 973-968-6922 defense against all criminal matters in NJ.