New Jersey Police Interrogations

Police Interrogations

Under no circumstances should you ever utter a statement to a NJ law enforcement officer, especially if you believe that the nature of their questions is centered on a criminal investigation or potential criminal investigation. If the police are asking you questions, contact your New Jersey criminal defense attorney and have them present at any questioning. The police are under no obligation to tell you the complete truth and may use misleading statements like “sign this and you get to go home” to trick you into a confession while you are operating on the assumption that if you sign then nothing bad will happen because you will get to go home.

In a vacuum, the idea that someone could fall for such a trick may seem incredulous. However, you would be quite surprised how often that exact trick works and how damaging falling for it it can be to protecting your freedom. Law enforcement has the job of protecting and serving the citizens in their jurisdiction from criminal actions. The way they do that is by making arrests and gathering enough evidence to obtain a conviction in New Jersey criminal cases. More often than not, your interactions with law enforcement during the course of their duties will be because they are looking to arrest you and convict you of some alleged illegal actions. Keep that fact in the front of your mind whenever you are confronted by the police.

Never resist arrest or argue with the police, doing so will only make things worse for you and damage your case. If you are asked questions, do not answer them or request that your New Jersey criminal lawyer be present. The Miranda Warnings that law enforcement issue during an arrest could be changed to say that anything you say can and will be edited, twisted and manipulated in order to prove that you are guilty. These are the reasons why if you are charged with or questioned regarding a crime in New Jersey you need to have skilled criminal defense lawyers from an experienced New Jersey law firm to protect your rights.  Contact the attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm if you have been asked by the police to come in for questioning and begin the fight to protect and restore your rights.

Premier criminal lawyers & criminal defense attorneys in New Jersey. Risk Free Consultation 973-968-6922 defense against all criminal matters in NJ.