Major Crimes in New Jersey

Major Crimes in New Jersey

Crime is more than a headline in the news and a statistic that politicians use to lambast each other, it is a very real event that affects real people, as well as their friends and families. Despite the virulent defamations that pundits and policy makers rain upon criminal defendants, acting as if they are the sole originators of suffering in the world; The United States Constitution is on the side of the defendant. All defendants are entitled to due process and are innocent until proven guilty.  In this case, having the constitution on your side means more than having countless newspapers reporters and blogs screaming on behalf of your innocence.

The system is organized to give innocent people every chance to disprove the prosecutors attempt to secure a guilty conviction. However, the intricate details of the legal system are very complex and sometimes the government will extend a lot of their near unlimited resources to prove that you are guilty. This is why people hire criminal defense attorneys. The New Jersey criminal defense attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm understand all the nuances that will come to play in a criminal case.  The New Jersey criminal defense attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm have successfully represented their clients in many high profile cases and have secured dismissals of charges in many occasions.

The New Jersey criminal defense attorneys of The Blanch Law Firm serve their clients in matters such as:

  • Assault: Assault charges in New Jersey are generally the result of a conflict between two people that has gotten out of hand. The criminal charges that can follow be very severe. Consult with the criminal assault attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm if you are facing charges in New Jersey for assault.
  • Arson: A qualified arson lawyer is essential for providing you with protecting from the severe criminal penalties that can accompany NJ arson charges. There will be times when arson charges are accompanied with a homicide charge as well.
  • Burglary: A skilled NJ burglary lawyer will succeed in getting burglary charges against their clients dismissed. The attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm have a history of getting dismissals of many different types of criminal charges including charges for burglary.   
  • DWI: Driving while intoxicated is one of the most common charges that defendants face in every state. Having a skilled DWI/DUI attorney can make the difference protecting you from the harsh consequences that could follow what was essentially a poor decision.
  • Manufacturing and Distributing of Illegal Drugs: Drug charges have some of the most far reaching penalties of all NJ crimes. The skilled drug attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm can help you fight drug charges and protect yourself from the threat of incarceration.
  • Federal Drug Cases: Federal drug charges are some of the most serious criminal charges that a New Jersey defendant can face. The Federal Government allocates billions of dollars per year to fighting the war on drugs. If you are included in a federal indictment involving drug charges you need a skilled federal defense attorney to protect your rights.
  • Prohibited Weapons: Getting caught with a prohibited or illegal weapon can result in an arrest and lead to years behind bars. If you are facing charges stemming from the possession of a weapon, you need a skilled gun lawyer to challenge the evidence and protect your rights.
  • Murder: Murder is the most serious charge that exists in NJ penal law. If you are facing a murder charge you need to contact a skilled murder lawyer with trial experience because getting convicted for murder can lead to life in jail.
  • Human Trafficking: Human trafficking charges are very serious and will irrevocably change your life. If you are facing these charges consult with the human trafficking defense attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm today in order to begin the fight to protect your rights.
  • Sex Crimes: Sex crimes are a very taboo subject in New Jersey. A conviction for sex crimes can be devastating because not only do they carry harsh criminal penalties, but also because defendants who are convicted of sex crimes are publically branded with being a sex offender. If you are facing charges of rape, incest, molestation, or necrophilia, contact the sex crime lawyers at The Blanch Law Firm in order to start the battle to clear your name.
  • RICO Charges:  The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) is one of the first tools that The Federal Government developed to fight organized crime. The penalties for charges that stem from organized crime are very serious and can be accompanied by enormous civil penalties. If you are facing charges from alleged acts of organized crime you need a skilled team of RICO defense lawyers to protect you.
  • Bribery: Charges or bribery can be very difficult to defend. If you are convicted the penalty can be very severe because aside from the threat of jail, you will most likely have to find a new profession as well. Hiring a skilled NJ bribery defense lawyer can help protect your reputation as well as your rights and freedom.
  • Extortion: Criminal charges for extortion are taken very seriously in The State of New Jersey. Penalties for extortion are usually dependants on the method used to extort the good and the value of the goods extorted. If you are facing extortion charges you need a skilled extortion defense attorney to protect you from the threat of jail.
  •  Stalking: When criminal allegations of stalking arise, the time for waiting with your head in the sand has passed. Criminal penalties in New Jersey for stalking are very severe and can result in lengthy jail terms. If you are facing stalking charges and have any questions contact the stalking defense attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm today and schedule a consultation.
  • Making Terroristic Threats: Charges of making terroristic threats can result in serious penalties if accusations are not answered by a skilled criminal defense attorney. If you are facing New Jersey changes for making terroristic threats, contact the criminal defense attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm today.
  • Kidnapping: Kidnapping in New Jersey is a very serious charge because of both the severity of the statute and the outrage that the act evokes in the public. If you are facing charges of kidnapping or believe that you will in the future contact the kidnapping defense lawyers at The Blanch Law Firm and schedule a consultation as soon as possible.  
  • Computer and Internet Crimes: The increased computer and Internet use in businesses and households has led to increased efforts made by law enforcement to prosecute those who they suspect are using these tools to break laws. The statutes that decide what is legal and what is prohibited on the Internet are relatively new and complex. The skilled computer crime attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm are very skilled in what the elements of cyber crime actually are. If you have been accused of computer and Internet related crimes in The State of New Jersey, contact the criminal defense attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm and begin the process to restore your freedom.
  • Robbery: Robbery charges are very serious and require obtaining a skilled robbery defense lawyer in order to protect you. Often times, robbery charges will come down to an eye witness statement being used against you. When that is the case you need to have a firm of skilled trial lawyers to challenge the evidence and discredit the witness. If you are facing robbery charges contact The Blanch Law Firm today and set up an appointment to meet with their robbery defense attorneys.  
  • Harassment: New Jersey criminal charges for harassment are very serious and can result in life changing criminal penalties. If you are facing such charges, contact the harassment defense attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm today.
  • Assault by Auto: Driving a vehicle can be very dangerous and if you get into an accident you can not only hurt yourself you can also face criminal charges for assault by auto. If you are facing New Jersey assault by auto charges contact the attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm today.
  • Manslaughter: A New Jersey manslaughter charge can derail any plan that you may have had for your life. If you are facing NJ manslaughter charges, contact the New Jersey manslaughter attorneys right away.
  • Illegal GamblingCharges for illegal gambling can be very serious and while some may believe that what they are doing is relatively innocent, managing and illegal gambling ring can result in serious penalties. If you are facing illegal gambling charges contact the criminal defense attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm today.
  • Smuggling Cigarettes: As state taxes on specific consumer goods rise, the allure of smuggling state taxed contraband from one state to another grows as well. Arbitrage of this matter can be incredible lucrative and profitable in depressed economic times such as the ones that we are in now. Gas, cigarettes, and alcohol are all subject to state taxes and can be illegal transported over state lines and sold for a profit on black markets. If you have been accused of conspiring to sell items such as these you need to have a skilled criminal defense attorney to protect you from the harsh penalties that can follow.
  • Theft: Theft is a serious offense that is often taken lightly. Most people do not know that theft, no matter how small can result in a prison sentence. What can be worse than a prison sentence is being burdened with a criminal record for the rest of your life. If you wish to fight in order to avoid any time in jail and keep your record clean, contact the theft defense attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm.


No two New Jersey criminal cases are alike. Each one must have its own stratagem planned out and implemented worked tirelessly in order to ensure the defendant’s best chance to clear their name. The New Jersey criminal defense lawyers at The Blanch Law Firm utilize their shared experience for over 40 years in criminal cases to provide the best criminal defense services for their clients. Our success and the success of our client’s prove that hard work and discipline pay off in the end. If you are facing criminal charges contact the attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm and begin the fight to restore your rights.

Premier criminal lawyers & criminal defense attorneys in New Jersey. Risk Free Consultation 973-968-6922 defense against all criminal matters in NJ.