Assault by Auto

Vehicular Assault Attorneys

Driving can be dangerous for both those behind the wheel as well as their passengers and pedestrians. Even the most cautious drivers will find themselves getting into accidents with other drivers, objects in the road and pedestrians. If the police or prosecutors determine that injuries which resulted from your accident were due to some criminal actions that you committed, you may face criminal charges for assault by auto or vessel.

New Jersey charges for assault by auto or vessel are very serious and can result in criminal penalties that will change your life forever. If you are facing New Jersey assault by auto or vessel charges, contact a skilled New Jersey assault defense attorney right away and begin planning your defense.  The assault by auto or vessel attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm have decades of experience protecting their clients from the harsh criminal penalties that can be applied to those convicted of crimes in The State of New Jersey. If you or someone you care about is facing criminal charges stemming from alleged acts of assault by auto or vessel, contact the New Jersey criminal defense attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm today and schedule a consultation.

What are Assault by Auto or Vessel Charges?   

In The State of New Jersey a person can be charged with assault by auto or vessel charges if they drive a vehicle either recklessly or intentionally and their actions cause serious bodily injury to another. The penalties for assault by auto or vessel are very severe and can be as high as those for a 2nd degree crime which can be punishable by up to 10 years in jail. There are many different factors which come to play when charges are filed and sentences are determined for assault by auto or vessel, such as the extent of the injuries as well as the location that the alleged crime occurred.

The Blanch Law Firm Can Help

New Jersey criminal charges for assault by auto or vessel are very serious and can be a stressful time for defendants. Often times, our clients will come to use with an air of resignation looming over their character. At The Blanch Law Firm we strive to let our clients know that they are never back into a corner, there is always something that can be done. If you are facing criminal charges in The State of New Jersey, contact the assault by auto or vehicle defense attorneys at The Blanch Law firm and begin your legal defense.

Premier criminal lawyers & criminal defense attorneys in New Jersey. Risk Free Consultation 973-968-6922 defense against all criminal matters in NJ.