
New Jersey Bribery Defense Lawyers

Both bribes paid to and received by individuals can result in a New Jersey criminal indictment for bribery. The most common perception of bribery is one of bribes made between public, in return for political favors. However, there are many other ways that illegal bribes can be made; business men can be accused of bribing each other in order to secure a deal or contract; athletes have been accused of taking bribes by organized crime in order to affect the outcome of a game; even public officials have been accused of being bribed by contractors in order to secure work. These are just a few examples of the possible scenarios that can result in bribery charges in New Jersey. 

If you are facing bribery charges, you need a skilled and experienced New Jersey criminal defense firm staffed with bribery defense attorneys who are not afraid to challenge the government. The bribery defense attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm know how to defend their clients from bribery charges and get great results for criminal defendants. If you are facing bribery charges, contact the bribery defense attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm today and schedule a consultation. Choosing the right legal defense can be the most important step in getting the best possible result to your case.

Bribery Charges

In The State of New Jersey, bribery charges can be issued when:

  • A person offers, confers or agrees to confer any benefit whether the benefit inures to the public servant or another person to influence a public servant in the performance of an official duty or commit a violation of an official duty.
  • The person directly or indirectly, confers or agrees to confer any benefit not allowed by law to a public servant.


  • Under the color of office and in connection with any official act performed or to be performed by a public servant, the public servant directly or indirectly, knowingly solicits, accepts or agrees to accept any benefit, whether the benefit inures to the public servant or another person, to influence the performance of an official duty or to commit a violation of an official duty.
  • Under the color of office and in connection with any official act performed or to be performed by a public servant, the public servant directly or indirectly, knowingly receives any benefit, whether the benefit inure to the public servant or another person, to influence the performance of an official duty or to commit a violation of an official duty.

In The State of New Jersey, a conviction for bribery can result in up to 10 years in jail as well as other punishments that would follow a conviction for a 2nd degree crime. Penalties for bribery differ from State-to-State as well in Federal Court. If you have any questions about bribery charges in New Jersey or in any other jurisdiction, contact the bribery attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm Today.

Bribery Defenses

Bribery charges will often be filed because one participant in the bribe will report it to law enforcement authorities. However, a skilled bribery attorney will know how to challenge the evidence and discredit a material witness through cross examination at trial. Other times a bribery defense can be more difficult. When New Jersey law enforcement or The Federal Government suspect someone of receiving and/or issuing bribes, they may start a secret investigation that may involve such evidence gathering methods as a wire tap or checking bank records. When this evidence is presented against you things can become more difficult. Hiring a team of skilled bribery defense attorneys can be the best way to challenge the evidence that the government has against you and protect your freedom. If you are facing bribery charges, contact The Blanch Law Firm today and being the fight to save your future.

The Blanch Law Firm Can Help

Bribery charges are very severe and must be dealt with professionally and with assiduous vigor by experienced criminal defense attorneys. In some cases, the mere mention of a bribery investigation by the government is enough to get you blacklisted from your profession for the rest of your career. If you are facing bribery charges, believe or have been lead to suspect that you may be under investigation for bribery charges, contact the bribery defense attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm today and being the fight to protect yourself, your career and your future. The bribery attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm know how to answer government investigations behind closed doors and protect their client’s public image in the event that they become uncovered. Contact the bribery lawyers at The Blanch Law Firm today and schedule a consultation to discuss the possible legal strategies for your bribery case.

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