
New Jersey Burglary Defense Attorney

All criminal charges in New Jersey should be taken very seriously. A criminal record severely limits ones immediate personal freedom and their pool of potential economic opportunities for the future. A lengthy criminal record filled with violent crimes or those involving theft, like burglary only serve to exponentially damage a person’s economic opportunities; lowering their potential and branding them for the mistakes of their past. If you are facing burglary charges you need a skilled New Jersey criminal defense lawyer to protect you and your future.

What are New Jersey Burglary Charges?

In The State of New Jersey, a person can be charged with burglary if with the purpose of committing an offense therein:

  • They enter a research facility, structure, or a separately secured or occupied portion thereof unless the structure was at the time open to the public or the actor is licensed or privileged to enter
  • Surreptitiously remain in such a structure or remain in one knowing that they are not licensed to do so.

The evaluation or grading of the crime is dependent on different factors such as:

  • If they are armed with or display what is believed to be explosive or a deadly weapon
  • If they purposely, knowingly, or recklessly inflict, attempt to inflict or threaten to inflict bodily injury.

If any of these factors are alleged to have occurred during the course of actions that are suspected of being burglary, the charge will be filed as a 2nd degree crime which holds the penalty of up to 10 years in jail. If those two factors are not present in the actions which led to burglary charges then they will be a 3rd degree crime which is punishable by up to 5 years in jail.

Essentially, burglary is a lot like trespassing with the intent to commit a crime. To be convicted of burglary a person does not necessarily need to have succeeded in gaining entrance to the structure, or to have succeeded in committing a crime therein. The prosecutors for The State of New Jersey only need to prove that the defendant had the intent to do such actions for them to convict a defendant of burglary.

The Blanch Law Firm Can Help

The New Jersey burglary defense lawyers at The Blanch Law Firm have a history of successfully obtaining favorable results such as dismissals for clients charged with serious criminal charges such as burglary. It is the belief of the burglary defense attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm that mere “defendants” get convicted while “human beings” will often be shown leniency. The burglary defense attorneys at The Blanch Law firm know how to face off with prosecutors and challenge their evidence to make their clients appear a people in the eyes of the prosecutors and get the best result possible for them. If you are facing New Jersey burglary charges contact the burglary defense attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm today and begin the fight to secure your freedom.

Premier criminal lawyers & criminal defense attorneys in New Jersey. Risk Free Consultation 973-968-6922 defense against all criminal matters in NJ.