Computer Crimes

Computer, Internet and Cyber-crimes in New Jersey

The computer and Internet technologies boom at the end of the past century revolutionized the ways that we communicate, perform financial transactions, and store information. These changes have now become integral to modern business. Because of our increasing dependency on the Internet, the government has devoted more resources to monitor and regulate activities on the Internet. This has led to an increase in prosecution of people who are accused of questionable or illegal actions on the Internet. If you or anyone you care about have been accused of computer or cyber crimes in The State of New Jersey, or any crime involving computers and the Internet contacting the computer crimes attorneys at The Blanch Law firm Today and begin the fight to restore your freedom.

The laws regarding cyber-crime are relatively new and as a result, there has not been much precedent set forth by the courts. If you are accused of any type of cyber-crime, you need an experienced cyber crime lawyer who is familiar with the cyber crime statutes in both New Jersey State and Federal Courts. The computer crimes attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm are some of the most experienced in New Jersey defending their clients from computer related charges, do not hesitate to call them and schedule a consultation.


Unlike street crimes, the way in which people execute cyber-crimes and other Internet crimes are only limited by their own imagination. Common activities that lead to charges of cyber-crime include, but are not limited to the following:

  • DDOS Attacks: Distributed denial of service attacks involve overwhelming a website’s server with thousands of request by computers that are remotely accessed by one or more users. The result of such an attack can be the temporary or permanent shutting down of the website.
  • Identity Theft or Phishing: Financial organizations such as banks and credit card companies store sensitive customer information on the Internet. When this information is accessed without consent, accusations of fraud usually follow.
  • Unauthorized Access: Corporate, multi-national, military, state and federal organizations maintain a significant portion of their infrastructure on networks that are linked through computers. These networks are closed to the public and any unauthorized access is illegal.
  • Money Laundering:  Websites that facilitate international money transfers are subject to the same anti-money laundering compliance rules that all other financial institutions are subject to. If the Department of the Treasury has reason to believe that the owners of these sites are attempting to avoid reporting large cash transactions by structuring payments, or not reporting them, serious monetary and criminal penalties can follow.

When determining the jail sentences for cyber-crimes, a key factor is the damage and/or gain that resulted from the alleged criminal act. The sentencing level for these crimes increases in direct proportions to the loss amount/gain. What this means is that a defendant could face up to 10 years in jail and a fine of up to $250,000, or twice the loss amount that resulted from their actions. Charges of theft, identity theft, wire fraud, and money laundering are not uncommon to find on an indictment for cyber-crime.

The Blanch Law Firm Can Help

The computer crime attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm are some of the premier attorneys in The United States at protecting their client’s rights when they are accused of cyber-crimes. If you are facing charges of computer crimes, you need an New Jersey computer crimes attorney who is experienced in the complex and relatively new statutes that govern cyber crime. Because of how new these crimes are experience can mean the difference between a conviction and a dismissal of charges. If you are facing charges of computer crimes contact the attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm today because experience counts.

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