Federal Drug Charges

Federal Drug Charges

Federal drug charges are much more serious than charges brought forward by The State of New Jersey because of many reasons. The first of which is the fact that The Federal Government has many more resources than the state that they can be devoted towards their war on drugs. Aside from The Drug Enforcement Administration, whose is task entirely directed towards preventing the sale of drugs, there are also many other organizations like, The U.S. Department of Justice, The Federal Bureau of Investigation, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, The Department of Homeland Security, and The U.S. Customs and Border Protection who investigate and police the drug trade in The United States of America.

Another advantage that The Federal Government holds over The New Jersey State Police is that they do not have to make an arrest once they find evidence against you. Very often, The Federal Government will merely observe drug activity until they can compile enough evidence to build a major case which takes down a whole organization. When that happens, building a legal defense can be very difficult. Those are just a few of the reasons why defendants need to hire the best defense attorney possible when they are faced with federal drug charges. If you are facing federal drug charges contact the federal drug lawyers at The Blanch Law Firm today and begin the fight to protect your freedom.

The Government pursues convictions for federal drug charges aggressively and lawmakers have written the statutes in a way that can give The Federal Government an advantage when they try to secure a conviction. They way they do that is through the sentencing guidelines for drug charges. For example, the penalty for possession of heroin is greater if it is proven that the drugs were brought in from outside of the country than if it is found in a home. Another strength the federal drug statutes have is the power to indict someone for conspiracy. It is not very difficult for The Federal Government to indict someone for conspiracy if they believe them to be involved in a criminal enterprise. Unfortunately for defendants, a person can be convicted for conspiracy and face lengthy jail sentences without ever touching or coming in contact with drugs.

Asset Forfeiture

Along with the threat of lengthy jail sentences there are other powerful tools that The Federal Government can employ in a case involving federal drug charges. Some federal drug charges accompany a larger RICO conspiracy that can result in very serious criminal penalties, fines, civil penalties as well as asset forfeiture. However, The Federal Government does not need RICO charges in order to seize assets which they believe to be the proceeds of criminal activities. Asset forfeiture will not always occur at the same time as an arrest. Sometimes, a case can have been going on for months before The Federal Government will finish trying to freeze or seize assets which they believe to be bought with or evidence of the proceeds of drug sales. Once The Federal Government has seized your assets and frozen your bank accounts, it can be very difficult to provide for an adequate legal defense for yourself.  It is for this reason that once you have been contacted or arrested by federal authorities for federal drug charges you should contact the skilled federal drug lawyers at The Blanch Law Firm immediately and begin preparing for your defense.  

The Blanch Law Firm Can Help

The attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm are some of the most skilled and experienced lawyers at defending their clients from federal drug charges. With former narcotics bureau chiefs counted among our team of experienced federal drug lawyers it is safe to say that our attorneys intimately know all the methods and techniques that The Federal Government will use to try and secure a conviction for federal drug charges. If you are facing federal drug charges you need a skilled and experienced federal drug lawyer that knows how to challenge to evidence that the government has against you. Contact the skilled federal drug lawyers at The Blanch Law Firm today and begin the fight to protect your freedom.

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