
New Jersey Harassment Attorneys

Relationships are difficult, whether they are with your sexual partner or family members, relationships take time and effort to maintain. No relationship is perfect; there will be just as many if not more bad times as there are good ones. When relationships take a turn for the worse and become poisoned by bruised emotions, ordinary arguments can get out of control and people will say things that they do not mean. When law enforcement becomes involved in such a relationship, charges of harassment often follow.

The penalties for harassment are serious and having such a conviction on your record is a blemish that no one would readily wish for. It is important that when such event occurs and you are facing New Jersey Charges for harassment that you protect yourself by hiring an experienced harassment defense lawyer to protect your rights. If you or someone that you know are facing New Jersey charges for harassment, contact the harassment defense attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm today to begin your legal defense.

What are New Jersey Harassment Charges?

In The State of New Jersey a person will be charged with harassment if they:

  • Makes or causes to be made communications that are anonymous or otherwise uttered, which are at an extremely inconvenient hour, in offensive language, or cause annoyance and alarm in some other manner.
  • Threaten someone with bodily violence.
  • Engages in some other type of conduct with the purpose to alarm or seriously annoy another person.

In The State of New Jersey, charges of harassment are a petty disorderly person’s offense. If you are facing criminal charges for harassment and you are worried about what the adverse effect of such actions could have, contact the harassment defense attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm today and begin protecting your rights.

The Blanch Law Firm Can Help

When individuals are facing harassment charges there is usually a large amount of grey area when it comes to the facts of the case. Often cases will boil down to a “he said, she said” situation. While you may feel like you are innocent and should never have been charged with harassment in the beginning, you still need the help of a skilled harassment defense lawyer to protect yourself. A skilled harassment attorney knows how to challenge witnesses and evidence in order to make sure that you have the best defense possible. If you are facing New Jersey harassment charges you need a skilled New Jersey criminal defense firm to protect your freedom. With decades of combined experience defending clients accused of serious criminal charges, the harassment defense lawyers at The Blanch Law Firm are more than qualified to defend New Jersey clients with the most serious criminal charges. Contact The Blanch Law Firm today and begin the fight to defend yourself from New Jersey harassment charges.

Premier criminal lawyers & criminal defense attorneys in New Jersey. Risk Free Consultation 973-968-6922 defense against all criminal matters in NJ.