Illegal Gambling

Illegal Gambling in New Jersey

Gambling is an incredibly popular pastime throughout the world and can be found in some of the most exclusive international resort areas. Unfortunately, in most other areas of the world, gambling is illegal and can result in serious criminal penalties for those convicted of organizing illegal gambling rings. The reason why gambling is illegal is most likely based in religious doctrine. However, the modern concern for law enforcement agencies is that illegal gambling often occurs hand in hand with organized crime and represents a form of tax evasion. If you are facing charges for illegal gambling you need an experienced criminal defense firm staffed with aggressive trial attorneys who are not afraid to battle with the government. Contact the illegal gambling attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm today and begin defending yourself from charges of illegal gambling.

What are Illegal Gambling Charges?

A person can be charged with promoting illegal gambling in The State of New Jersey if they:

  • Accept or receive money or other property, pursuant to an agreement or understanding with any person whereby he participates or will participates or will participate in the proceeds of gambling activity.
  • Engage in conduct, which materially aids any form of gambling activity. Such conduct includes but is not limited to conduct directed toward the creation or establishment of the particular game, contest, scheme, device or activity involved, toward the acquisition or maintenance of premises, paraphernalia equipment or apparatus therefore, toward the solicitation or inducement of persons to participate therein, toward the actual conduct of the playing phases thereof, toward the arrangement of any of its financial or recording phases, or toward any other phase of its operation.

In The State of New Jersey, charges for illegal gambling can result in a conviction for either a 3rd or a 4th degree crime which can result in a sentence of up to 5 years for each charge.

Additional Charges

To some, the threat of 5 years in jail may not be a sufficient deterrent to commit a crime and charges for illegal gambling may not seem like a situation that should be taken seriously. However, along with charges for illegal gambling, defendants could also face charges that include but are not limited to:

The penalties for these charges are much more serious than the charges for illegal gambling and can result in jail sentences of over 20 years in jail as well as fines as high as $250,000 as well as the forfeiture of all proceeds that were thought to be bought with the proceeds of illegal activities. If you are being charged with illegal gambling or any of the above mentioned related charges, contact the illegal gambling attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm today and begin the fight to protect your freedom

The Blanch Law Firm Can Help

The attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm have decades of combined experience fighting the most difficult criminal charges. From multi-million dollar white collar frauds to international drug smuggling rings, The Blanch Law Firm has successfully represented criminal defendants in all types of criminal cases. If you are being charged with participating in an illegal gambling conspiracy, you need a skilled and experienced criminal defense lawyer to protect your rights and your freedom. When you are facing New Jersey charges for illegal gambling, contact illegal gambling attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm today and begin what could be the most important battle of your life.

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