Prohibited Weapons

New Jersey Prohibited Weapons Defense Attorney

The 2nd Amendment to The United States Constitution grants citizens of The United States the right to bear arms. Of all the Amendments to The Constitution, the 2nd Amendment is one of the most controversial when it comes to public and policy decisions. Many Supreme Court decisions have been centered on the issue of whether or not The Federal Government can restrict ones rights to bear arms. This leaves the task of gun control policy in the hands of the states. Different states have come to different decisions pertaining to how they would approach gun control policy. Predictably these laws can change from state to state.

The differences between each state and their prohibited weapon laws are often minute and unknown to those outside of law enforcement. Often people will be charged with possession of prohibited weapon and not even be aware that they were in possession of one such item. If you are facing such charges you need to have a skilled and experienced criminal defense lawyer to protect you from the charges. Contact the prohibited weapons defense lawyers at The Blanch Law Firm today and begin the fight to restore your freedom.

Prohibited Weapons Charges

In New Jersey a person can be arrested on suspicion of prohibited weapons charges if they are found to be in possession of firearms, weapons, destructive devices, silencers, or explosives. If the items are found in a vehicle, all passengers in the vehicle will be charged with possession of the weapon unless:

  • The weapon is found upon the person of one of the occupants.
  • The vehicle is not stolen and the weapon or other instrument is found out of view in such areas like a glove box or trunk. In such an instance, the weapons shall be presumed to be in the possession of the one who have authority to operate the vehicle.
  • The vehicle is a taxicab and the weapon is found in the passenger’s portion of the vehicle, then it shall be presumed to be in the possession of the passengers. In the event that there are no passengers, the weapon will be assumed to be in the possession of the cab driver.

The penalties for possession of a prohibited weapons charges in The State of New Jersey vary depending on what the weapon is. For example, if someone is found in possession of such items as an unlicensed hand gun, destructive device, or a sawed off shotgun, they can be charged with a 3rd degree crime. However, other items like stun guns, gravity knives, or hollow point bullets can result in charges of a 4th degree crime. Further, if you are found to be in possession of a prohibited weapon which was used during the course of an illegal act, you can be charged with a 2nd degree crime.  The penalties for these crimes can be very severe and damaging. If you are facing charges for possession of a prohibited weapon, contact the weapons defense lawyers at The Blanch Law Firm Today.

The Blanch Law Firm Can Help

The weapons defense lawyers at The Blanch Law Firm understand the needs and concerns of their clients. The threat of a term in prison can be very difficult to deal with if you are not prepared and understanding of your options. If you are facing possession of prohibited weapons charges contact an experienced weapons defense lawyer and find out what your options are. Contact the criminal defense attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm today and begin defending yourself from charges of possession of prohibited weapons.

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