White Collar Defense Firm

New Jersey White Collar Defense Lawyers

The white collar defense attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm have obtained favorable results in a wide range of white collar cases heard before State and Federal courts. Only through hard work, dedication, and commitment can an experienced New Jersey white collar attorney expect get the best possible result for their client. This devotion to our clients has served The Blanch Law Firm in the past as the white collar attorneys have secured favorable (no jail) dispositions or dismissals of charges in cases involving wire fraud, embezzlement, money laundering, forgery, bank fraud, theft, racketeering, health care fraud, insurance fraud, and identity theft  amongst many other charges.

Aside from the threat of severe criminal penalties, a criminal conviction can affect your professional career in a very negative way. Many professions require some kind of professional licensing or appointment. Many professional licenses will be either suspended or revoked if the owner of such a license is convicted of a crime, especially if the crimes are committed in the course of their profession.

The white collar lawyers at The Blanch Law Firm know how to answer the government’s investigations and prevent allegations from becoming criminal charges. The Blanch Law Firm has been successful in the past in protecting their client’s freedom as well as their professional reputation. The Blanch Law Firm has extensive experience in white collar laws and statues, as well as the strategies that prosecutors use to try and secure a guilty conviction. Some of the areas in which The Blanch Law Firm aid their clients accused f white collar crimes include but are not limited to:

  • Mail Fraud: Mail fraud is one of the most common charges to find on an indictment alleging white collar crimes. The penalties for mail fraud are very severe and can be even more severe if the victim is perceived to be a financial institution. How charges of mail fraud came to be on a criminal complaint can be confusing at times, if you or someone you care about are facing such charges contact the mail fraud attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm today for a consultation.
  • Wire Fraud: In theory, wire fraud is very similar to mail fraud; the main difference being that the alleged fraud was executed was executed over a wire system like the Internet, or wire transfer system. If you are facing charges of wire fraud consult the wire fraud attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm and begin the fight to restore your freedom.
  • Theft: When New Jersey State prosecutors charge defendants with white collar crimes there will usually be some allegation of theft in the criminal complaint.  The white collar attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm have been successful in the past, on more than one occasion in protecting their clients from allegations of theft in amount that were well over $1 million. If you have been charged in New Jersey with theft or any other white collar crime consult with the theft attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm and find out what your options are. 
  • Embezzlement: Charges of embezzlement are essentially identical to charges of theft when you look at the statute as they appear in New Jersey Penal Law. What separates the two are the anatomy of the alleged criminal act, how they are uncovered, and how a prosecution will follow once they have been uncovered. If you have been accused of misappropriating funds contact the embezzlement attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm before and accusations lead to an arrest.
  • Securities Fraud: Charges stemming from alleged acts of securities fraud can be very damaging and expensive if they are not fought by a team of skilled securities lawyers. Investigations into alleged acts of securities fraud such as insider trading can go two down two different paths. If charges of securities fraud are not dismissed they can end in either civil penalties, or civil and criminal penalties. How investigations into securities fraud end are very much effected by the team of securities lawyers that you have fighting for you. If you have been contacted in regards to an investigation into alleged securities fraud, contact the white collar attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm and begin protecting your rights.  
  • Forgery:  Many documents can be forged; criminal charges for forgery can be brought against someone for mere possession of a forged object. If you are facing forgery charges contact the New Jersey forgery lawyers at The Blanch Law Firm to begin the fight to restore your freedom.
  • Investment Fraud: Recent events have led to increased levels of panic in investors. The result of this has been anger and distrust directed towards professionals who manage investments. Many frivolous lawsuits and criminal complaints have been filed as a result of this distrust. If you are facing charges of investment fraud, you need a team of skilled white collar attorneys to protect your rights and the rights of your business.  
  • Ponzi Schemes: Ponzi schemes have been a very popular term used by the media to describe alleged acts of white collar crimes. If you have been accused of taking part in or orchestrating a Ponzi scheme, the charges are serious. While life sentences are not applicable by the federal sentencing guidelines for charges stemming from Ponzi schemes, recent charges have led to sentences of over 100 years in jail because judge have determined that sentences for criminal charges should run consecutively. If you are facing allegations of being involved in a Ponzi scheme contact the white collar attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm today in order to protect yourself from threat of a lengthy jail term.
  • Money Laundering: Attempting to conceal the origin of funds that were procured through illegal actions is very serious felony in both New Jersey State and Federal Courts. The money laundering attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm have succeeded in the past in getting charges of money laundering dismissed for their clients. If you are facing allegations of money laundering contact the white collar attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm and begin the fight to protect your freedom.
  • Health Care Fraud: Allegations of healthcare fraud can be very damaging. If you are a healthcare professional and are facing these charges the damage can be devastating. Allegations of health care fraud are very serious and a conviction in such a case can lead to being force to give up your license to practice medicine. If you are facing such charges contact the healthcare fraud attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm.
  • Boiler Rooms Schemes: A boiler room scheme is a common name that is used to describe illegal activities that are covered by a large range of statutes. Usually a boiler room scheme will also involve a business that is allegedly used to further of the fraud. The mere accusations of the existence of a boiler room scheme can lead to that business being shut down and accounts held by the business or officers of that business being frozen. If you are facing charges of operating a boiler room scheme contact the boiler room attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm today and being the fight to restore your rights and the good name of your business.
  • Identity Theft: Since the development of the Internet and the transition of more and more financial exchanges to the anonymity of the Internet; both identity theft and prosecution of identity theft have been on the rise. Charges in New Jersey for identity theft will very rarely be the sole charge on an indictment for identity theft. Fighting these charges may be very difficult and require the help of a skilled and experienced New Jersey white collar criminal defense firm. If you are facing criminal charges for identity theft contact the attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm and schedule a consultation.
  • Mortgage Fraud: Charges of mortgage fraud are very serious those accused face serious criminal penalties.  In the wake of the housing crisis, the government has taken increased steps to put those accused of mortgage fraud behind bars. If you are facing mortgage fraud charges, contact The Blanch Law Firm today and begin the fight to protect your freedom.


If you are facing charges in New Jersey for white collar crimes, contact the attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm. Professionals who are accused of committing crimes in the course of their employment have been the target of much public outrage in recent days. In order to prevent yourself from becoming a national pariah, you need aggressive and intelligent legal representation that knows how to answer whatever questions that the government may have in a manner that protects your career and professional reputation.

In the past, The Blanch Law Firm has represented officers at Fortune 500 companies, doctors, lawyers at white-shoe firms, Investment bankers, and many more in white collar investigations. These people turned to The Blanch Law Firm because they trusted in the white collar attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm ability to defend them from criminal accusations that could affect their lives and the lives of their loved ones forever. When you are facing allegations of white collar crimes the time for waiting is over and action needs to be taken immediately. Contact the white collar attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm today and begin the fight to restore your freedom.

Premier criminal lawyers & criminal defense attorneys in New Jersey. Risk Free Consultation 973-968-6922 defense against all criminal matters in NJ.