

If someone misappropriates funds, property, or material assets which are entrusted to their care, and those actions are uncovered and reported to law enforcement; a charge for embezzlement is likely to follow. Charges of embezzlement can be especially damaging because the people who are accused of embezzlement always have more to lose than average criminal defendants. An essential element of embezzlement is that the stolen asset in question must have been entrusted to your supervision. As we all know, such trust is not just given to anyone who asks for it. In order to for any embezzlement to occur, you must have received some kind of appointment. Charges of embezzlement can undo all the hard work that you have spent directed towards your career and can adversely affect the lives of family members and others who depend on you. If you are facing charges of embezzlement, contact the embezzlement lawyers at The Blanch Law Firm today and begin the fight to clear your name.

People Make Mistakes

Maybe you were passed over for a promotion that you deserved; maybe your family needed money and looked to you to provide it. Regardless of any reason you may have; it’s important to remember that people make mistakes and if dealt with in the right way, mistakes can be mended. The most important thing that defendants should know is that they should never do anything to make their mistakes worse. Sometimes you will feel cornered after the alleged theft is discovered and make bad decisions in a panic of wild emotions. Under no circumstance should you ever issue a statement without your embezzlement attorney present. Issuing a statement without your embezzlement lawyer present can be incredibly damaging to your case. Regardless of what the original motive was that led to the alleged acts of embezzlement was; once the alleged acts have been uncovered you should contact a skilled New Jersey embezzlement attorney immediately and make no further statements.

The first instinct that many of The Blanch Law Firm’s clients have when they are confronted with their pending embezzlement charges is to try to negotiate some kind of deal to repay the assets that were misappropriated. This is a very rational instinct, unfortunately it is also incredibly foolish and can cause expose you to even greater risk. There is no guarantee that once you pay back the alleged misappropriated funds, you will not be reported to law enforcement. Even if you sign a contract with your former employer stating such terms, you can still be arrested and such a contract could be used against you as evidence. There is also nothing that could stop those who entrusted the disputed assets to you from extorting you for more than the amount that you are alleged to have misappropriated.

The Blanch Law Firm Can Help

The embezzlement attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm have defended executives at major financial institutions accused of embezzling multi-million dollar figures. They understand the anatomy of white collar investigations into embezzlement and know how to get the best result possible for their clients. If you are under suspicion for embezzlement, don’t make any statements, don’t try to make any deals, contact the embezzlement lawyers at The Blanch Law Firm at once and begin the fight to protect your freedom.

Premier criminal lawyers & criminal defense attorneys in New Jersey. Risk Free Consultation 973-968-6922 defense against all criminal matters in NJ.