Healthcare Fraud

Healthcare Fraud Attorneys, New Jersey Healthcare Fraud Defense

New Jersey healthcare fraud charges can be some of the most severe charges that anyone can face. Doctors accused of healthcare fraud face not only the threat of criminal penalties but also something far worse; the destruction of everything that they have worked for in life thus far. Most professional licenses have some form of an ethics committee that regulates who receives professional licenses in order to enforce ethical standards across the industry. A criminal conviction for any serious level criminal charges can result in either the temporary suspension or permanent revocation of a medical license. Crimes which were committed along the course of one’s profession are looked at by ethics committees through an especially unsympathetic lens. A criminal conviction for healthcare fraud is as close to guarantee as there is for the revocation or suspension a license to practice medicine.

What is Healthcare Fraud?

Those who do not know what the elements of healthcare fraud are, rarely find themselves charged with it. However, there will be some cases when the government is especially aggressive in their prosecution of healthcare fraud and may begin an investigation into someone who is not only completely innocent, but has no idea what healthcare fraud is.

The basic element of healthcare fraud is misrepresentation about either the availability of healthcare coverage available, or extent of work being done in order to obtain a profit. A common example of healthcare fraud for profit is a healthcare professional billing an insurer for medical work that was never performed and keeping the resulting insurance payments as profit.

Aside from losing your license to practice medicine, serious criminal penalties as well as lengthy terms in jail is a possibility for those under investigation for healthcare fraud. If you are facing healthcare fraud charges, contact the healthcare fraud attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm and begin your defense today.

The Blanch Law Firm Can Help

An investigation into healthcare fraud is very serious and can be an incredibly difficult time for those who are accused. Most likely, you cannot answer these investigations by yourself and given the risk of a potentially devastating adverse impact; taking on the government without a skilled team of healthcare fraud attorneys behind you seems like a risk. At times, it can be both difficult to prove as well as disprove alleged acts of healthcare fraud; this may be a phenomena of healthcare fraud that can help your case. If you are facing healthcare fraud charges, you need an experienced white collar firm staffed with skilled healthcare fraud defense attorneys to protect your rights. Contact the healthcare fraud litigation team at The Blanch Law Firm today to begin your defense from malicious healthcare fraud investigations.

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