Homicide & Murder

Criminal Homicide and Murder Defense Lawyers

Homicide or murder is the most serious crime that someone can be charged with in The State of New Jersey. When someone is killed, the whole community becomes alarmed, panicked and places a lot of pressure on the government and law enforcement to bring anyone to justice for the crime. Arresting someone for murder or criminal homicide can be very difficult for law enforcement because the person who would serve as the complaining witness is dead. It is not uncommon for many innocent civilians to be taken in for questioning and/or arrested for murder as a result of public outrage over the event. If you are charged with or questioned regarding criminal homicide, manslaughter or murder, you need to do everything you can to protect yourself from the charges and fight to defend your name and protect your freedom.

If you are facing murder charges you need an experienced criminal law firm that is staffed by skilled homicide defense lawyers who are ready to go to trial. Focusing on trial preparation is essential in all murder, criminal homicide and manslaughter cases as most of the time a prosecutor will not offer a favorable plea to the defendant. Couple that with the threat of lengthy criminal sentences for a conviction and it is easy to see how when a New Jersey criminal defendant is charged with murder, they need all the legal assistance available to them.

Criminal Homicide Charges

In The State of New Jersey, a person can be charged with criminal homicide or murder if they purposely, knowingly cause the death of another human being. It is important to note that length of time between a death and an injury that could have caused it has no bearing on whether or not someone can be charged with murder. It is important to note that when you are charged with murder, you may also be charged with other crimes such as:

If you are facing charges stemming from a murder investigation, the penalties that you are exposed to are very severe and while a dismissal of such a murder charge can be a great, you could still be sentenced to a lengthy prison term for other criminal charges. In order to battle your criminal homicide charges contact the experienced trial attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm today and begin the fight to restore your freedom.

Penalties For Homicide

While The State of New Jersey was one of the first states to abolish the death penalty, the penalties for murder and criminal homicide are still very severe. If you are convicted of criminal homicide or murder in New Jersey you can be sentenced to a term of imprisonment between 30 years and life in jail with the opportunity for parole after 30 years. If the victim was determined to be a law enforcement officer who was killed during the course of their job the penalty will be life imprisonment without the possibility of parole. If the victim is a child under the age of 14 who is also the victim of a sexually assault by the alleged defendant, the penalty can also be life in prison without the possibility of parole.

The Blanch Law Firm Can Help

Criminal homicide or murder charges are prosecuted by the best legal minds that the government has available to them. In order to get the best result possible you need to face off against the government with an experienced criminal defense firm staffed with skilled homicide lawyer behind you. The homicide lawyers at The Blanch Law Firm have decades of combined of experience defending their clients from murder and felony homicide charges. If you are facing murder or felony homicide charges, contact the trial attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm today and begin the most important fight of your life.


Premier criminal lawyers & criminal defense attorneys in New Jersey. Risk Free Consultation 973-968-6922 defense against all criminal matters in NJ.