
New Jersey Robbery Defense Attorneys

New Jersey robbery charges are very serious and if you are facing such charges you should take immediate action in your defense. Consulting a robbery defense lawyer may be a wise decision as a skilled criminal defense attorney will know what legal strategies to utilize in order to get you the best result possible.  The penalties in New Jersey for robbery are very severe and will change the lives of those who are convicted forever. If you or someone you care about are facing New Jersey robbery charges contact the robbery defense attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm today and begin the fight against potentially life threatening prosecution.

What are New Jersey Robbery Charges?

A person will be charged with robbery if in the course of an alleged theft, they:

  • Inflict bodily injury or impose force upon another.
  • Threaten another or purposely put them in fear of immediate bodily injury.
  • Commits or threatens to commit any crime in the first or second degree.

These actions may have been committed in the course of committing the theft, in the attempt to commit such a theft or in immediate flight after the attempt or commission of the theft.

There are different grades that determine the degree and corresponding criminal penalties for New Jersey charges of robbery. That factors that contribute to such grading are the extent of any injury which is sustained by the victim during that robbery. If the victim is determined to have been killed or sustained serious bodily injury during the course of a robbery, the charge escalates from a 2nd degree crime to a 1st degree crime. In The Dtate of New Jersey the penalties for a 1st degree crime can be as high as 20 years in jail.

Other Charges

Along with the threat of a lengthy jail term, robbery charges may be accompanied by other charges as well. When one is charged with these crimes they may be able to secure dismissal of one or more of these charges but still face a lengthy jail sentence because of their severity. Such charges that are commonly found with robbery charges on an indictment include, but are not limited to:

Some of the penalties for these charges are more severe than those that accompany robbery charges. If you are facing New Jersey charges for robbery contact the robbery lawyers at The Blanch Law Firm today and begin the fight to protect your freedom.

The Blanch Law Firm Can Help

You are never backed into a corner, there is always a way out. A skilled New Jersey robbery lawyer will have the skill and experience necessary to formulate an effective strategy for your defense. If you were  inappropriately identified by the an alleged victim through a line up or from a police photo array, a skilled and well timed motion from a robbery defense attorney can suppress the evidence and give you the upper hand at trial.

 If you are facing robbery charges in New Jersey you have an uphill battle ahead of you. The penalties are severe and can lead to lengthy period of internment. The economic opportunities which are available to convicted felons when they are released are very limited. The Blanch Law Firm has a history of success in securing dismissal of serious criminal charges including robbery. If you are facing robbery charges in The State of New Jersey contact the robbery defense attorneys at The Blanch Law Firm today and schedule a consultation.

Premier criminal lawyers & criminal defense attorneys in New Jersey. Risk Free Consultation 973-968-6922 defense against all criminal matters in NJ.